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Master the Skills to Drive your Career

Green Tech Skillnet supports the workforce development needs of businesses within the renewable energy sector. We offer a selection of industry-led and subsidised and fully funded programmes for people who are in employment and not in employment.

Our Courses & Events

About Us

The Green Tech Skillnet is an enterprise-led network facilitating the workforce and development needs of the Irish renewable energy industry. The network is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and Network companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science.

The network in its previous guise as Wind Skillnet, successfully delivered value add training and networking activities to the wind industry over the past 10 years through its contracting organisation, Wind Energy Ireland (WEI). Since 2014, the network has successfully engaged 1,149 trainees over 2,050 training days equating to approximately 25% of those employed within the wind industry in Ireland.

Reflecting the diversification of Ireland's energy system and with an overarching responsibility to EU targets and the mitigation of climate change, the network will support the optimisation of renewables on the Irish grid in the short, medium, and long term through learning and development initiatives. 

In this regard, the network aims to deliver impactful training and networking events to a growing workforce, facilitate thought leaders within the renewables sector whilst contributing to Ireland’s deep decarbonisation and energy transition.


“The trainers and course offerings are very strong, and upskilling will continue to be a requirement in a changing and growing economy. A broader understanding and increased awareness of renewable energy and greater training options available to workers in this area will benefit multiple industries and the economy as a whole.”

Tom Parlon

Director General, Construction Industry Federation

“The courses provide invaluable insight into key and emerging strategic issues faced by operators. 

The courses are always delivered to the highest standards by recognised leading experts in the relevant area and are an integral part of our training and CPD programs.”

Robert Spicer

ABO Wind OMS Ireland Ltd.

“This course was delivered at a very pertinent time for the wind industry in the context of various legal challenges to wind energy projects. It was not available at the time elsewhere and was attended predominantly by EIA coordinators for wind energy professionals. The course tutors were leaders in their field of expertise in the private sector and predominantly of excellent quality. This course has supported improvements in our internal EIA co-ordination and represented a good return on investment in that the in-house EIA coordinators have been enabled to become more engaged with the EIA topic professionals.”

Philomena Kenealy

Executive Director, Ecopower Developments